Security Camera installation

Security Camera

Security camera is a video recording device that captures footage of your home or work place property that you can view on a smartphone, tablet, or computer from anywhere using an internet connection.


How long install security cameras?

It takes between 4 hours to 1.5 days to install. Depending on what number of cameras you’ve got ordered as well as the dimensions of the building. A typical 4 camera system should take around four-6 hours. In general, It takes the same amount of time for a standard office.

How do security cameras connect to the internet?

  Each camera has a cable running to it from the local storage device for both power and transmitting footage. Wired home cameras don’t use Wi-Fi but can be connected to the internet via an ethernet cable for viewing footage remotely.

List of Major Things Which You Need to Consider Before the Installation of CCTV Camera

#1) Deciding how you’ll be monitoring the system.

#2) Determining the number of Closed-Circuit Television Cameras required.

#3) Positioning the CCTV cameras.

#4) Placing the DVR/NVR.

#5) Deciding on power backup of CCTV Camera.